Friday 7 February 2014

Why Conservatism is the Natural Way.

Greetings and thanks for tuning in.

What would the perfect world system look like?  In terms of politics we have a traditional choice of the left versus the right.

In Buddhism we have the Four Noble Truths.

In nature we have survival of the fittest and natural selection, right?

The way to be true and honest to oneself is to deal in facts and testable truths; not opinion or that which can be subject to interpretation.  It's only through letting go of predetermined beliefs and ideas and being open minded can we learn about or see reality clearly.  The way to approach this topic is to just see.

The left wing or Communist position is that everyone is equal and is in open opposition of peoples' diversity of views, abilities and lifestyle choices. We can observe this in North Korea or Cuba.  Everyone must be identical.  This obviously flies in the face of the way things are in reality.  Straight away we have an un-natural, artificial way of life that is in direct opposition to reality.  It is from this starting point we must look at our own Labour and Liberal Democrat parties here in the UK.  They are both centre-left parties.  It takes a keen eye to pick out these differences when we're dealing with centre this, centre that politics.

The right wing or Conservative position is that everyone is individual and has their own personality, ideas, beliefs and abilities.  We are all different.  The right wing model encourages independence and self determination. The individual is at liberty to create their own success or failure through their own actions and the way they conduct themselves in the world.

In nature we can see that the animal and plant kingdom is based on the success of individual species over the environment and their rivals.  There is no intervention from another artificial body that evens the balance and supposedly makes things fairer for one species over another.  That would be the left wing way: Such a shame that these poor gazelles are killed and eaten by the cheetah.  Let's fit the cheetah with bells so that the gazelle can hear them approaching and get away quickly!  See how silly that would be?  At once the natural way of things, the balance is disturbed and no longer in tune with the way things are.  Is it a good thing that the gazelle gets away and the cheetah starves to extinction?  What effect would artificially over populating the land with gazelles have?  This tinkering with the natural order of things is quite dangerous.

In the human world the same system is at work.  Survival of the fittest is the natural way of things.  When we artificially boost up a weak part of society we are in direct conflict with reality.  This is why the welfare state must be dramatically reformed so that only the truly deserving receive help.  Those that through targeted assistance can become independent again and not reliant on the state.  Keeping massive populations of the useless and economically inactive people who all crave and desire more and more food and riches is immoral and a real disservice to the taxpayers that support them.

It is indefensible to believe that we should allow this system to continue and I'll explain why:

Looking at the first of the Four Noble Truths we see that it is true that suffering exists.  This is not a supernatural belief is it?  Everyone is subject to suffering and dissatisfaction.  There is no denying that there is not a single person or alive that has not or will never experience dissatisfaction or suffering.

The second Noble Truth is that this suffering is caused by desire and aversion.  Like and dislike, grasping on to that which is not permanent or lasting.  This is the natural human disposition whether we like it or not!!

When we apply this to politics in the real world we can conclude that the only way to real happiness is to find a way to alleviate this problem.  How do we find lasting happiness?  Ask yourself this.  Based on our current understanding of observing the purity of the animal and plant kingdom and how they operate how do we achieve this?  Do we see animals exhibiting gluttony and disproportionate levels of greed when compared to the others?  Not usually.  That would lean me to the belief that they are living correctly and in tune with the way things are and humans are not.  It is very rare or perhaps never before witnessed to find an animal in the wild that is obese and consumes more than is necessary to live a normal, healthy life.

Humans always have a community spirit.  They are sociable creatures by default.  This has nothing to do with religious indoctrination whatsoever.  The cavemen were community oriented.  They also helped each other for the common good.  They were compassionate in the same way as we are today.  Just because somebody is a right winger doesn't make them any less compassionate or generous.  It means they have a more pure and natural generosity that shines through when they see a deserving person in need.  People will always donate to a worthy cause and not an unworthy cause.

The position we have in a left wing country is people that are supported by the welfare state and not encouraged to better themselves.  The weak are allowed to prosper and by that I mean pull down and hinder the progress of the host country.  The way to tackle this is either to a) make them so successful that they can support and fund their own thirst for riches and gadgetry or b) educate them to understand that ultimately their quest for hedonism and material possessions is misguided.  It is not a problem (at least for the host country) if a rich business man lives a rich lifestyle since he is earning it by his own skills and talent.  This is not an issue.  But.........

Both the middle class family and the underclass family need to understand that their only path to lasting happiness is to extinguish their desires and reduce their consumption of non essential things.  When you understand that cigarettes, beer or a new car do not bring any real contentment then true freedom can begin.  It's ironic really.  Only through letting go of things do we get true happiness.  To educate yourself out of craving will deliver real happiness.

In Britain we should be allowed to be more responsible for our fellow man and the welfare state should be dismantled and converted to a charitable model.  The deserving will always find a way as is true in the natural world (and we all live in the natural world whether we believe it or not!)  Instead of a hardworking family being forced to contribute through taxes to the welfare system and subsidise an army of the undeserving, we should reduce taxes for the hardworking and make work and self determination pay.  This is the right wing way.  The left want to increase taxes on the successful working man to keep somebody else on their sofa.  This is completely unfair.

The Communist system being in conflict with reality really boils down to this:

In order to make a flat socialist system work we would first have to create a population who have no sense of greed or want.  Zero cravings or desire would have to exist voluntarily otherwise dissatisfaction would result out of being denied the right to better oneself or be more successful than your neighbour.  A left wing system would therefore stifle competition amongst people and progress in science and medicine would be slowed down dramatically.  Progress only comes when people are allowed the freedom to get creative and go where their imagination leads them.  

Regarding charity and compassion this is not an on/off issue as some left leaning people will try and make out.  We do not need to be forced to help someone in genuine need.  A conservative country will naturally be charitable and compassionate.  This is morality is built in to us from the start.  You can call it moral instinct if you like.  It is not planted there by religion or teaching.  Even ants will carry the wounded back to the nest.

Anyway this has gone on long enough.  I leave you with this thought: If communism and left wing politics was the best way for mankind why has it failed and is still failing the countries who embraced it?
