Saturday 1 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Facebook is full of gushing sentimentality for the armed forces. There is almost a built in safeguard in the makeup of most Brits of post World War Two heritage to inhibit or prevent any form of criticism of the soldiers that came before them. There is also an argument that the actions of the soldiers allowed us in the modern day to voice their opinions in the first place.

All such arguments have been trotted out time and time again. I understand them.

What I want to know is how can those that are still enveloped in the matrix still be able to say these things and can do so with little or no sense of irony or criticism?

It is not realistic nor provable to say that there would be no freedom of speech in a world where Hitler won the war.  Exactly how many individual variables are you prepared to demonstrate with non existent or presumptuous evidence before you are off on a limb of stupidity?

These things look great when a dick head says, "where's your evidence?" from a crowd. I'd like to know where his evidence is as well.

The point of World War Two and One, the Vietnam War, Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and 9/11 is that the whole thing is built on a monumental LIE.

WW1 was easy to get support for because the mainstream newspapers had a captive audience of followers. They were God fearing church goers anyway that made it a piece of cake. They were bred to believe that God was on their side and that was all there was to it. Utterly devoted to the figurehead of the state the monarch who essentially did nothing.  All those poor wise men who objected to taking another man's life were discredited as cowards or simply shot by their own people as deserters. Disgraceful. Where did "Thou shalt not kill" fit into this?

WW2 was much the same as above. There was little in the way of TV or radio but the radio that was there was already being used to broadcast rousing reports of victory and propaganda that demonised one race or people against another when it suited them. The stupid citizens still ended up sniping on one another for daring to question the system in place but, hey, religion was still strong and churches still full.

As far as WW2 is concerned Germany was a broken economy and there was no way they could go from a depression to being a world dominating threat in such a short space of time without any external help. George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush was amongst the key players who built up the Nazi war machine. So here we see that the USA build the enemy up to then try and knock them down.

So, I don't blame the people who join the armed forces. I feel sorry for them.  They don't realise how utterly hopeless their situation is and, no, God is not on your side or anyone elses.  There is no evidence of the existence of a God; Biblical, Quaranic or otherwise. What there is evidence for is that the ruling classes are brainwashing and manipulating the media, the people and the soldiers themselves to make sure that they go to their £18k a year bullet in the chest job believing that they are right and that by shooting someone else's husband or son is just a job.

This is my Poem for Remembrance day:

Never forget.

Never forget the innocent civilians who died during the wars.

Never forget the civilians that were not killed but their lives or mental health was destroyed by their experiences during the wars.

Never forget the people who were injured but not killed during the wars.

Most of all, never forget that all the wars that ever were created were created out of greed and delusion. The so called "leaders" that started these wars were not getting their hands dirty. They were just advancing their careers. They are the aristocratic bloodlines of old that are completely devoid of any remorse, empathy or compassion. These politicians and monarchs are heartless killing machines that don't give a shit about the soldiers and their families.

So let's remember the victims alive and dead but let's also understand that bombing our fellow humans for any reason is unacceptable and education and awakening from delusion is the only way to bring about peace.

Awaken! Awaken! Awaken!