Monday 24 October 2016

How to Win at the Dating Scene and Reproduce.

Hey Everyone and thanks for reading:

Now first let me apologise for not posting for a very long time. I know my fans are hellbent on following what I say and this is how it's going to go down.

I thank you for that:

I haven't updated my blog for some time and I am flattered at the response I've had from the posts I made some years ago now let me get into it. I was thinking about how I used to feel as a young man in England who was not an athletic type or a ''Jock" as they say in the USA. There were boys at school who were oblivious to their air amongst the other boys and the girls therein. There were also boys who felt and were treated with utter disdain amongst that crowd and I found this to be quite unkind and unfair at that time.

The Columbine massacre boys were fiercely jealous of the jocks and confused about how to interpret their burgeoning sexuality and their reception with the women in their school year. This hierarchical confusion drove them to go on a massacre in the school since they were Doom players and spent an enormous number of hours playing that game (didn't we all).  The explanation is quite simple to us: These boys were likely raised in a pro spanking household and their fathers worked in the weapons industry. That is my view. Their whole childhood was tainted by weapons and violence from the way their family supports themself right through American gun culture and a daily diet of first person shooter action online.

When I was at school I was blessed with a stable family life and school life. In those days it was wired into my brain that women were superior to men and that if you were less than the best then no woman would ever have sex with you.

All of my childhood I somehow had it wired in my mind that I was a worthless human being because I wasn't sexy. I wasn't 'hard' (whatever that means) I was Mr. Average. I was crap at football, crap at running, crap at most sports. I was skinny.

When I left school at 16 I loved it because I felt that I was released from the binding scrutiny of my forced classmates and could live anew amongst people I never met before. This was true and my college life in 1995/7 was great. 

I was happy to smoke and drink as much as I wanted but the one chasm that could not be filled was the sexual variety. Make no mistake: I was DJing and had some great nights filled with all sorts of things but not that.

I know how it feels to be a man who is intelligent, qualified and able bodied but ultimately ON THE MOTHERFUCKING SCRAP HEAP.

So how did I fix this?

No, I'm not going to give you a story about how I had some freak occurrence or whatever, no.

I went on a holiday with workmates to Thailand and we went there to drink and party and have fun. I met my wife there during that trip and I had something to work with right there.

The beauty of Thailand is that the girls approach the men and not the other way around. This is very good for successful men who hate the British dating scene and are lacking in self confidence as a result of feminism. They can be brought out of their shells. A lot of men including myself were not accustomed to being treated with adulation by young girls. To be approached and shown interest by these girls was incredible.

What I did from this revelation in Thailand is to marry a girl who actually wanted to be with me and we are now approaching our 10th wedding anniversary.

We have a beautiful son together and we work together to achieve a common goal.

I can honestly say that without the influence of my wife who I met in Thailand I would have been permanently disabled by lack of self confidence through spiteful feminist mental hangups that were transmitted to me via mainstream media and my own interactions.

The trouble with the dating scene here in the Western World is that womens' standards are too high when they are at peak sexual market value. They know the welfare state will step in and pay for their heedless behaviour and the results of their actions so they choose the good looking guy over the level headed provider. They don't need to put as much effort into selecting a partner who will stick around and provide for the family during pregnancy and child rearing. The welfare state has turned children from a liability to an asset. When women know they will get paid more benefits for having more children and their actions no longer have the traditional consequences, only the thuggish brutes and the idiots get to have sex with them when they are at peak sexual market value. 

In the Far East the tables are turned back to a traditional setup where there is no state to pay for these women and they are reliant on their husband, family and local community to support them during their child bearing years. A bad choice of partner results in social ostracism and a top quality husband is no longer possible if she has another man's children in tow. For this reason women in the Far East generally select a professional man of intelligence and average looks over the dimwitted bulldogs that get so much action back home.

It's a much more level playing field in the real world when the welfare state is not interfering with the natural order of things. Male sexual market value is turned on its head in the West because of the things I mentioned earlier.

A female has peak sexual market value (SMV) between 18-27 but a man peaks a lot later when he has a proven track record of earning potential and mental stability. Women of peak SMV, if they want a husband of equal age need to take a gamble on the future of that man because the younger they are, the less of a known quantity they are. They have the highest earning years in front of them and so an educated guess needs to be made that they will stick around and reach that professional goal in the future. 

This is why women who previously bypassed these older men of lower physical appearance clamour around once they've passed peak attractiveness because their priority is to have it both ways and acquire a man who will pick up the tab for their past and pay for another man's children. This is the product of the liberal left destroying and discouraging marriage. They tell women it's fine to wait until you're 40 to have kids. The fact is, yes it is possible but egg quality has dropped away significantly by then and so has physical attractiveness. The left wrongly says women can have a university education, a fully fledged career and also be a good parent but this is false. It is not more important to answer phones in an office and have business meetings than to raise and nurture the future generation of your own family and civilisation. Motherhood is the number one job and should not be spoken about as if having a career is superior to motherhood and full time parenting.

Wherever the state interferes, expect it to nosedive. Single motherhood is one of the biggest threats to western civilisation today and it is almost never discussed in a frank and honest way in the mainstream.

Thanks for reading and I hope this provokes some interesting new thoughts for you.

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